Thank you for using NEXT-INNOVATION.
We will guide you to a website for members that makes shopping more convenient for all of you who use it all the time.
First of all, please send the member information from the registration form below.
After that, we will inform you of the URL of the member site to the registered e-mail address.
We have been providing high quality used brand bags from Japan to all over the world for 10 years.
Currently, we have transactions with more than 100 countries.
Most of the used products used in Japan are of high quality.
We also offer many products to resellers in BtoB.
All products are professionally appraised.
We can send new items information in advance to only registered members.
Please, submit your name and e-mail from below form.
We can contact from there and give you ID and pass word.
If you are wholesaler and buy in bulk, we can provide pretty good prices.
Copyright@NEXT-INNOVATION All rights reserved.